new addition
I have always wanted a greenhouse for my garden. The question has always been - where will I put it? Well, where there’s a will there’s a way. You just have to get creative. Several years ago my husband removed the grass from our yard so that I could grow vegetables and herbs and replaced the grass with three raised beds. As I contemplated where I could possibly put a greenhouse it struck me - I could remove the far raised bed and place the greenhouse there - so I measured and looked up the dimensions of the greenhouse that my good friend told me she had seen at Costco, and sure enough - it was a perfect fit. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who is used to my constant whims and was willing to go to Costco with me on the WEEKEND, and muscle the two boxes onto a cart and into the back of our van. Over the years, I have come to realize that when the instructions say approximately 10-12 hours to assemble it is inevitably more like 24 hours to assemble. So, over the course of a few weekends and some help from our son, we were able to assemble the greenhouse that is now the focal point of the garden. Along with this new addition comes a lot of new opportunities and new challenges. I am learning so many things like, the greenhouse needs to have air circulation, moisture (especially when the weather is warm), shading to avoid burning certain plants, ventilation etc…While it is a new learning curve for me, I am enjoying every minute while embracing the challenges. I am looking forward to all of the opportunities this new addition to the garden brings.